Thermal Solar Energy
Why choose Thermal Solar Energy?
The sun is the main energy source on Earth that originates most of the primary energies we use: fossil fuels, biomass, wind. All of them are a consequence of the sun and its relative proximity. Additionally, its direct use allows immediate benefits in the form of electricity or heat. This last form of taking advantage of the sun is the most economical option of producing thermal energy.
While other systems need to consume energy during the thermal production process, solar energy equipment allows this production without consuming other types of energy.
The ability to generate heat with these systems reaches coverage levels that, depending on the location, can reach 70% of demand. The cost of the generated kWh is reduced to the investment made (payable in a few years with the savings generated) and to the maintenance cost. Without a doubt, this cost is the lowest of any thermal generation system during the long life of these reliable and sustainable systems.